Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Story behind the Tattoo.

I finally got inked yesterday. 03-03-12. Thanks to Eric (BlackArt). they were even surprised that this i'm gonna get a tattoo this big on my back as my first tattoo. It took 5 and half hours and i had so many breaks in between for smoking and eating. I'd be lying if i said that this wasn't painful. the artist started with the feet and when that needle first came contact with my skin i felt the intense pain. once he got to the shackles, i lifted my face up and my friend said i was so pale already, i got dizzy and i almost barfed. ALMOST but not quite. i just drank water instead. well anyway the design was solely base from David Beckham's Tattoo. only difference is the wings that his tattoo has and mine has shackles/chains on it.

This tattoo will remind me of what i went through my life. from a teenager turning to a dad, a student becoming an employee, a lover becoming a stranger, a fool becoming a wise man and a boy becoming a man. it symbolizes all the shit that i had to do to bring myself here now where i have a new life and a new start. those broken chains represent me finally free from something and the shackles are the number of years i was stuck in it. it also represents my determination when i want something; no matter how high the key of the prison is even with shackles on, i know ill get it. this is just a simple explanation of it. the detailed one will just be kept in one place where you don't even know you're in. MY HEART.

Yes, i'm gonna say it...
The pain that i went through to get this tattoo is absolutely nothing to the pain i've experienced.